
You know how to do this?  I have Ubuntu on this machine, but it is 
either boot UBuntu or WinXP.  If you can't run some version of 
Windows with Linux, there goes your applications software.  I hate MS 
as much as anyone, but OS2, OSX, Linux, and whatever they are running 
on the new Macs, all didn't produce any ham type application software 
to speak of.

Actually, I don't see anything wrong with an embedded Linux 
machine.  While you are at it, just add some knobs on the front. 
;-)  Make it complete, not needing anything else, in other words, a 
Flex5000U machine.


At 11:14 AM 12/29/2007, Alan NV8A wrote:
>No, not necessarily two physical machines, but perhaps a "virtual 
>machine" running alongside the native operating system on a single 
>physical machine. E.g., a Linux virtual machine running on a Windows 
>machine, or a Windows virtual machine running on a Linux machine or 
>a Mac, or Linux and Windows virtual machines both running side by 
>side on a Mac.
>Alan NV8A
>On 12/28/07 11:29 pm Charles Greene wrote:
>>The use of another os is always going to have some +s and 
>>-s.  Linux is a good choice and probably the only one, but you are 
>>forcing us into a two computer configuration, one for the SDR and 
>>one for other applications. Might as well get an embedded system 
>>and not worry about it.

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