I am looking to communicate/network/liase with other contestors  
interesed in using the Flex 5000 as a 'SO2R in a box" rig for  
contesting (SO2R = Single Operator 2 Radio).  My email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I took delivery of my Flex 5000 a month ago and have been evaluating  
it since as a serious contest rig.  Thus far, I am very impressed with  
the performance.  Simply the best weak signal low band RX I've ever  
used, in particular being able to fine-tune the AGC-Threshold control  
to peak weak 160m signals against the noise is magical (Orion could do  
this but required a lot of fiddling with controls nested under soft  
menus and was a hassle).  The filters are incredible even down to 25- 
Hz and the panadapter is stunning.  The sound of received CW is just  
beautiful in contrast to the harsh sounding CW audio on many modern  
rigs (a big pet peeve of mine(.  I've been A/Bing the Flex against an  
Orion II and a 7800.  The 7800 is sold as of today as I couldn't see  
any reason to keep it with the 5000 in the shack (I will keep the  
Orion, as a backup or guest op rig -- some people will just not like  
using a mouse instead of turning panel full of 'real' knobs).

Only real problem I've encountered so far is the ShuttlePro knob stops  
controlling the Flex VFO if another program, such as a contesting  
logging program, has computer focus.  Is there a work-around to keep  
the ShuttlePro lcoked to PowerSDR regardless of what other software is  

Here are some of my Flex SO2R thoughts:

** The 5000 will have the essential hardware components to achieve  
SO2R capability when the second RX ships in 2008.  The 5000 is already  
full-duplex capable so genuine SO2R capability may come down to a  
method to switch the TX between the two RXs and their assigned  
antennas <--> keying lines <--> PAs (I am assuming good isolation  
within the Flex box when RXing on one band and TXing on another  
simultaneously).  According to a FlexRadio person I spoke to last  
summer at CSVHF a small mod may be needed to the 5000's antenna  
switching matrix to allow the RX1 and RX2 channels to stay assigned to  
the same antennas and PA keying lines while the TX toggles between the  
two frequencies (which will typically be on different bands).

** Given the amount of gear that a typical SO2R ham station employs  
(see http://www.k8nd.com/Radio/SO2R/K8ND_SO2R.htm for a gallery of  
SO2R ham station photos) putting two rigs, SO2R control box  
(implemented in software and married to a contest logging program)  
plus most of the other SO2R accessories into a single rig and single  
computer will be a radical and dramatic step forward

** How cool would dual panadapters (one for RX1 and one for RX2) with  
packet spots and logged station calls overlaid at the appropriate  
frequency be?

** Integrating Win-Test (contesting software with integrated SO2R  
capability) with PowerSDR could blur the line between logging software  
and the rig

** A special contest 'skin' for PowerSDR which would hide all non- 
essential controls (such as WARC band buttons) and make the remaining  
buttons and controls much bigger (easier to see @ 3 am on the second  
night of CQ WW) and arranged on the screen in locations to optimize  
typical contest operating patterns

73 & HNY.
Bill NT1Y

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