Quoting Frank Brickle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Mon 07 Jan 2008 05:45:33 PM PST:

> On Jan 7, 2008 8:04 PM, Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey Eric,
>> Has it really been 4 years?  Time flies, etc.
> Just think of how much you could have improved PowerSDR in that time had you
> spent it coding rather than bitching and sniping, Jim.

I think you misinterpret my comment.

Eric W. started with Flex-Radio 4 years ago this month, I think...Just  
as Flex was starting to transform into a "real" company with real  
fulltime staff and so forth.  If he's like most of us, I suspect that  
back in 2004, he never thought we would be where we are today. Heck,  
he may not have even thought that he would still be working at Flex  
(or that it would be in business?).. Certainly, that's true for lots  
of folks in their first job out of college.

Sure, nothing works like planned, but that doesn't mean that it's not  
a fun and interesting ride on the way.  I think that Flex (and you)  
have done a great job overall. Certainly, the Flex product line is an  
industry leader, now, in a relatively short time.. Probably not what  
most thought would happen when Gerald's first articles came out in  
QEX, what? 5-6 years ago?

Yep, things might not go like the public statements and wishes say  
they will, but, OTOH, I think that folks are more than willing to cut  
Flex a huge amount of slack on missing their predictions, given the  
outstanding results that have been produced.  Sure, we'd love to have  
seen the new architecture implemented sooner rather than later, but,  
I'm sure that you'll be in agreement that when you're supporting  
hundreds of customers, fighting the fire in the wood building today  
sometimes takes precedence over building the fireproof concrete  
building of tomorrow. (Or some such metaphor.  it's late..)

Jim, W6RMK

As far as bitching and sniping.. ad hominem is never pretty, so we'll  
leave it there.

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