Perhaps MS Access is not the best product for this application but believe me, 
it is an extremely powerful database application especially in my work 
environment where I specialize in complex report writing.  If you're going to 
import ten million rows of data daily, you'll need SQL Server or somesuch. If 
you're working with 4 thousand rows of new data per month then Access is the 
way to go. It's all about using the right tool for the right job.Edwin 
MarzanAB2VW> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 09:20:59 -0800> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] SVN's and new database.> > At 08:26 AM 
1/8/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> >I think the implication in the posting was 
that there should perhaps be> >some kind of automated database upgrade that 
maybe runs at install> >and/or startup time and takes care of migration of 
various settings from> >the old schema to the new. This can quickly become 
non-trivial if there> >are multiple versions to consider (upgrade from what to 
what?).> >> >IMHO the lack of such a capability is not that big a problem due 
to the> >relatively small amount of inconvenience involved in occasionally> 
>manually recreating the database.> > And, we're really talking about database 
changes between bleeding > edge alpha releases. I think the existing database 
conversion > mechanisms work fairly well between actual production > releases. 
(that sort of reduces the scale of the "which version to > which version" 
complexity)> > That said, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the database > 
corruption/rebuild necessity has nothing to do with PowerSDR. The > Access/Jet 
DB engine has a number of odd quirks itself, and has lots > of little pieces 
that all have to work together, not to mention a > zillion versions of the MDB 
file internal structure. It isn't one of > Microsoft's finer products (which is 
why SQLServer is what they > recommend for "real" databases).> > See, e.g., towards the bottom of the page.> > > > > 
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