Greg - ZL3IX wrote:
> I would like to hijack the scroll wheel circuit in an old mouse, so that 
> I can connect external devices and use them to tune the VFO in PowerSDR.
> Does anyone know how the scroll wheel circuit operates in a Logitech 
> mouse?  I would have thought that there would simply be two optical 
> paths that would give quadrature drive signals, but probing around with 
> my scope, leads me to believe that it is much more complex than that.  
> There seem to be bursts of 6 us pulses regardless of whether the wheel 
> is being operated or not.  When the wheel is operated, other pulses 
> appear in the gaps between the bursts.
> Does anyone know what this is all about?
> 73, Greg, ZL3IX
Greg, you are right about the internal operation of the wheel, it works 
the same way as the encoders found in the ball type mice. I think you 
are probing the output signal at the PS/2 connector, and here the things 
became more complex, the encoders outputs and also the pushbuttons 
signals are processed by a microcontroler or a custom chip which 
translates all of them into characters sent to a kind of serial port, if 
the mouse is PS/2 type or worse if it is a USB one.
So you need to process your external encoder in the same fashion and 
connect it as a second mouse (windows can recognice more than a mouse).
You probably can experiment trying to use an discarded mouse circuitry 
replacing its internal cheap encoder with an external one instead of 
emulate everything with a microcontroler.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

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