Hi All,
I recently lost RF power on my Flex5000A in digital and SSB (CW was OK) modes.  
With Dudley's help we traced the problem to an upgraded file (msadox.dll v 
2.81.1117.0 was changed to v 2.81.1128.0 at the suggestion of a program, 
Secunia, used to flag old, insecure files).  I had successfully used this 
update for several weeks before I installed updates for all occurrences of this 
file on my system(total of 8).  Then the RF disappeared.  I immediately 
replaced the file with the older version but the RF problem was not cured.  I 
had to register the file with Windoz before PowerSDR would use the old file 
(via Run, then "RegSVR32 (path)\msadox.dll"; the file being the older version), 
just replacing the file did not work.  Much of this was thanks to Dudley's 
analysis.  The RF power then returned to normal.
I thought this may be of some help to those of you having problems attributed 
to PowerSDR because PowerSDR is not always the culprit.  Make sure to check MS 
Windoz for any detrimental changes as well.
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