I've been asked many times over the past few days where all of these new
features that people see in the SVN log are going.  Rather than continue to
answer these questions privately, I thought I might as well inform the whole
community because I'm sure there's others of you wondering the same things.

First, the geek-speak.  If any of this confuses you, skip straight to the
next paragraph.
Since we released PowerSDR v1.10.4, we have entered a new era in our SVN
development methodology.  We are now taking the more typical approach of
developing in branches and posting only bug fixes to the trunk.  The
advantage to this method is that we can more easily develop in our own SVN
corner without stepping on each others toes while also keeping the trunk
nice and stable.  It also means easier merging between branches since we not
constantly merging to the trunk and back.  It can be confusing since the svn
revisions continue to increment in the update window, but the binaries in
the trunk stay at the same revision (and the version shown on the console
doesn't change).  This is normal and is not something to worry about -- keep

What all this means for you (the users):

The features that we are working on are no longer available in the trunk.
<pause for the collective gasp>  Ok.  Once the SVN junkies have regained
their composure, we'll continue.  Believe it or not, we thought this through
before we implemented it.  And rather than making you wonder which branch to
jump into to test the latest features (and give us your valuable feedback),
we thought we'd help simplify things as much as we can.

What we've done is add a branch called test.  We will be collecting the
features that each developer finishes in the ./branches/test folder.  This
is where we would like to officially point the SVN junkies who have been
struggling to get their fix from the trunk lately.  The process to download
this test branch is as follows:

1. Create a new folder.
2. Right click on the folder and select "SVN Checkout..."
3. Plug in the following URL:

(beware likely line break)

4. Click OK and the binary files will download.
5. Start PowerSDR in the new folder and enjoy the latest and greatest

As always, please remember that SVN revisions are considered alpha versions
and may contain bugs.  If you are uncomfortable with this idea, we would
recommend that you stick with using the latest official release (currently
v1.10.4) or the trunk, whichever you prefer.

If you still feel like all of this SVN stuff is over your head, take a look
at the Tortoise SVN Quick Start Guide available on our download
page/knowledge base:


Have a great weekend and Happy Flexin'.  :)

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

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