I am using the new software with the offsets now and still have problems. Cat 
to MixW direct works great. 
Cat to DDutil to Commander to MixW presents problems with the offset??
Dan> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; flexradio@flex-radio.biz> 
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Sharing CAT> Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 19:49:26 -0500> > 
http://k5fr.com/ddutilwiki/index.php> > Will handle up to four (4) programs. 
Let me know if you need help.> > 73, > Steve - K5FR> > -----Original 
Message-----> Is there a program out there that will successfully "share" a CAT 
port with> two programs?I have tried virtuallY with no success. I am trying to 
run> DXLabs Commander and MixW atthe same time. I realize that sharing one CAT> 
port with two programs could be problematic,but I am willing to accept the> 
risks. Using a SDR1K with 1.10.4. Any ideas? 73Dan> 
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