You have no idea how much it would please me to be able to communicate full
duplex on 75 meters.   And I am not at all sure that won't be possible given
the characteristics of some of the new modes!   I make no claims to be able
to see all of the future possibilities but you can be sure that I have no
intention of returning my Flex radio!   And I want to thank all of you who
participated in my poorly done informal effort to find out how those   fine
people who share my interests think.   By doing so I hope to improve the
effectiveness of my mentoring and elmering which, to date, has been somewhat
disappointing.  Of the seven I have attempted to help in the last two years
only two have, as we might say, borne fruit.  I want to improve on that as
well as obtain better returns on my rather substantial financial inventment!
The XYL says I have to learn more.


Lee   K9WRU

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Flanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lee Mushel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "FlexRadio" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] FW: The inherent muddiness oftypical
amateurtransceiver audio without EQ

> At 06:02 PM 6/3/2008, Lee Mushel wrote:
> ><snip>  What on earth is the point of
> >worrying about whether or not there is space between dits at 60 wpm?
> Not necessarily at 60 WPM - I would be happy with 35. Wouldn't you
> prefer to hear your "channel" in full duplex? Think about it - how
> would you like a telephone system that required that if you were
> speaking, the other person could not be heard. (Looks like the cell
> phones are actually going that vox-like route, but the old POTS
> system still has full duplex.)
> I used the full QSK of my new K3 in a CW contest 8 - 10 days ago and
> I tell you I REALLY enjoyed it and used it to my advantage.  Sounds
> like you have never actually used it or you would probably not have
> made that comment. The lack of it is why I returned my 5000a for
> refund a few months ago. Full CW break-in at at least 35 WPM should
> be in any radio claiming to be world-class in today's market.
> Jerry W4UK

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