> The "read the source code" trope has yielded at least six working,
> sophisticated spin-off SDR projects. By any empirical standard, the
> against it has to be regarded as temperamental and speculative, not
> substantive. In other words, it's an easy criticism to level, but it
has few
> correlates in the real world. The counterexamples are enough to show
> flimsiness of the argument.
Oh... here we go again.  That's just nonsense.

It simply means that SOME people, having no other alternative, WILL read
the source and create derived works from it.  Which means the task is
not insurmountable.

It says nothing at all about what would have happened if documentation
was provided.  And it provides no weight whatsoever to the argument
AGAINST documentation and good engineering process.

It's a little like saying that (given infinite gas and time), if a
couple of people can find their way from Manhattan to Poughkeepsie
without a road map, the desirability of having such a map is flimsy,
"temperamental and speculative."

(Cough...) THIS is why these type of discussions have been moved off the

Peter K1PGV

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