At 06:53 AM 7/28/2008, Tim Ellison wrote:
>It will need to be vetted out by a lot more SDR-1000 users before it 
>is considered for inclusion into the test branch of PowerSDR.
>Please keep the Reflector updated to its progress.

bringing up a mildly interesting question... What is the process for 
"consideration for inclusion"?  (I recognize that it's adhoc and not 
documented.. it's not like there are quarterly configuration control 
board meetings..) but... what would constitute "vetting out by a lot 
more SDR-1000 users"... 10? 100?  2?

I assume that Flex-radio is the "keeper of the PowerSDR 
configuration" in an official sense, so ultimately, I would assume 
it's "sufficient testing to make Gerald and Eric W comfortable with 
supporting it"...

And, based on their recent statements of "no new features, just bug 
fixes" (so as to not distract from getting the NA going...), this 
might fit (along with the couple hundred other enhancement requests 
on the list) in a "some indeterminate time in the future"..

There's nothing stopping someone from forking PowerSDR, though.. 
(aside from some not inconsiderable effort to maintain a repository, etc.)

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