On Aug 12, 2008, at 5:38 PM, Dudley Hurry wrote:

> Brian,
> Since the Celeron is light on L2 cache try this to stop the  
> freezes..  Turn you panapter off,  and only try at 48K on sample  
> rate..  Stopping the Panadapter cuts out alot of cached graphics..

I got home and double checked -- the driver was on normal, not safe  
mode 1. <sigh> I was sure that I had checked and set it when I first  
installed the driver but evidently not. Now that I have changed it to  
safe mode 1 it hasn't frozen up yet.

I will run it this way for a bit to see if that solves the problem.

Thanks for reminding me.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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