QST to all Flexers,

In keeping up with FlexRadio Systems motto "the radio that just keeps 
getting better", we have applied this philosophy to the Internet-based 
delivery and presentation of technical information. To that effect, we have 
upgraded the Knowledge Base (KB) software to a new and more feature rich 

We have been waiting on this software upgrade for almost a year now and 
received the first beta releases back in early June. Since then we have been 
testing the new features to see how best they could be used to improve 
access to pertinent information related to FlexRadio Systems' products. This 
new web-based application will have a future enhancement where it will 
interoperate with the Forums to provide a better-integrated and seamless 
environment for archiving and delivering content related to SDRs and 
FlexRadio System's products.

Well the evaluation/testing period ended and the job of migrating content 
from the old KB to the new KB started in earnest back in July. There were 
over 500 KB articles that had to be reviewed, validated and some modified 
before the articles could be selected for inclusion and manually re-created 
in the new software. Even though there existed the ability to migrate the 
articles automatically, differences in the database structure did not allow 
all of the new KB features to be used most effectively after the articles 
were converted. We also wanted to institute a standard "style guide" so 
articles would have a common "look and feel" which mandated the manual 
recreation of the articles. Granted this took a significant amount of effort 
to complete, but the results were worth the effort as it better positions 
FlexRadio Systems to support future hardware and software expansion.

The new KB has many new features that the old one did not have. Below is a 
summary of the new features, improvements and capabilities.

1.) A New Console Layout - The upgraded software contains many new controls 
(buttons & links) and features for accessing FlexRadio Systems' technical 
information and content. Because of these fundamental changes in the 
software's capabilities, which now makes it a multi-faceted integrated 
support tool, the name Knowledge Base is no longer sufficient for accurately 
describing its expanded function. In this regard, we have renamed it as the 
FlexRadio Systems' Knowledge Center (KC) since its scope has widened 
significantly. At the top of the Knowledge Center is the main menu bar with 
icons to direct you to the different sections or "zones" of the KC and to 
external links on the FlexRadio System's web page. Clicking on these icons 
will take you directly to the resource section you want to access. The 
Knowledge Base zone is the area where you will find most of the content 
previously found in the old KB.

The URL for accessing the new KC will get a web address. You will still be 
able to access it is using http://kb.flex-radio.com or by using the new 
preferred URL http://kc.flex-radio.com.

NOTE: While we make the DNS changes for the new site, access to the 
Knowledge Center may be intermittent, but it should clear its self up in a 
few days once your local DNS server flushes its DNS cache of the old KB IP 

The main panel on the Knowledge Center home page is where you can access the 
different features and zones of the KC along with being able to view the 
latest content added to the KC, search multiple databases within the KC for 
information and use the KC Tag feature (more on this later). There are also 
links in the top right hand corner for displaying the latest additions and 
most popular articles added to the Knowledge Center.

As with the previous KB, you *do not* need to logon to the KC to access its 
content. In the future, we will be integrating the user account database we 
currently have in the Forums with the KC which will allow users to access 
some of the more advanced features such as e-mailing articles and the 
ability to submit article content directly to the content review team for 
inclusion in the KC. Even then, the default Guest account will always have 
full access to all of the KC content.

2.) Multiple knowledge base databases - We now have the ability to have 
multiple KB databases within the KC software framework for better content 
organization. To this extent, we have both a "Getting Started" and a 
standard "Knowledge Base" defined in the new Knowledge Center. The Getting 
Started section is designed to help new users find the important information 
to enhance their "out of box experience" and to get their new software 
defined radio up and running quickly. We will be expanding this section in 
the coming months.

The Standard Knowledge Base section was re-organized to better delineate 
between hardware and software content and function. You will find major 
sections for PowerSDR 1.x, different radios, documentation, PC and 
peripherals and a special section for Expert Setups based on the SDR 
software being used. This new structure was developed to better accommodate 
the changes that will come with the new SDR software that is scheduled to 
become available in its initial form later this year.

3.) The KC Glossary - there is now a glossary of radio terms that can be 
very helpful for new users getting started with software defined radios. We 
have a base glossary defined (which is no where complete) and will be adding 
to it going forward. If you cannot find a term you think belongs in the 
Glossary, please e-mail the KC Administrator and let me know what needs to 
be added.

4.) The KC TroubleShooter section - This is an exciting new feature we are 
looking forward to exploiting in the near future. The KC TroubleShooter is a 
user interactive series of articles to guide users through specific problem 
solving steps logically in order to resolve common issues. This is a very 
powerful tool and one where we will be adding new TroubleShooter articles 
especially when the new SDR software starts becoming available. There is one 
Troubleshooter article available now to use so you can get an idea of how 
the TroubleShooter works.

5.) The KC "Tags" feature - The new KC has a "tags" feature. Tags are a way 
of identifying specific articles to improve "discoverability" and to provide 
an alternate logical organizational structure independent from the 
functional KB "tree" structure. Currently we have tags for "Best Practices" 
for using FlexRadio Systems products. Even though these articles can be 
found in multiple folders in the KB, they are logically organized using the 
Tag feature.

6.) Improved Search Capabilities - the KC search engine will search through 
multiple KB databases and the TroubleShooter to find key word and phrase 
look-ups. The new KC search engine does a better job of indexing content and 
returns results quickly. One of the most important upgrades is the ability 
of a key word or phrase search to return a "weighted" search result.  Beside 
the search results is a row of green bars that indicate the relevancy rating 
and the results are sorted by it.  This should improve your ability to 
quickly fine information you are looking for based on the selection of the 
words in your keyword search.

7.) View and save articles as PDF files - You now have the ability the view 
and/or save any article in PDF format. This is a nice convenience when you 
want keep or share article content with other people.

8.) RSS feeds for specific KC zones and sub-sections - The KC has the 
ability to syndicate content, which allows you to subscribe to RSS (Really 
Simple Syndication) feeds for specific folders and even articles in the 
different KC zones. By using a standard RSS "reader", you do not have to 
manually search the KC for updates and new articles. Here is a great YouTube 
tutorial about RSS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU and a web site 
for additional information http://www.whatisrss.com/.

9.) KB articles now have System Dependencies - All KB type articles have a 
table that indicates the minimum version of PowerSDR and the hardware that 
the article is applicable to.  This will better indicate the operating 
context that the article was written under. Note that this information is 
not an absolute indication of what software and hardware the article is 
applicable to since the software is changing and improving at such a rapid 
pace.  It is very possible that an article written today which is PowerSDR 
1.12.1 specific may or may not be applicable to a future software update.

Now that the new KC is on-line, there is still a bit of "clean up left to do 
to make the migration complete.  We have a lot of references on the web site 
and in documents that use the old KB URL syntax for linking to articles. 
Over the next few days we will be updating these links so that they access 
the new Knowledge Center rather than the old KB.  We appreciate your 
patience while we execute the finial stages of the migration.

We hope you find the new KC a valuable resource for presenting FlexRadio 
Systems information and it adds a new level of ease of use for accessing our 
Internet based resources.

If you find anything that does not work as expected or any content that 
might be incorrect or missing, please send an e-mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and describe in detail what you have run across so we 
can address it. As always, comments and suggestions are encouraged and 
welcomed which is the only way your FlexRadio SDR experience "just keeps 
getting better".

- Tim
FRS Internet Systems Administrator

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kb.flex-radio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/

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