Tim Ellison (W4TME) wrote:
Ahhhhh. I see now. There are two tables that control memories. I stand corrected. Adding new group IDs (whole numbers) with a new associated GroupName will add additional groups to the memory form. There probably should be a more convenient way of doing this with resorting to database "surgery".

Ignacio, muchas gracias por de la informaciĆ³n.

- Tim
FRS Internet Systems Administrator


I agree with you since I suggested a long time ago some improvements to the memory database, because I did more "surgery"such as adding fields to the Memory table, oriented to SWL logging. Obviously PowerSDR doesn't support those new fields, but at least the program accepts the new structure without problems.

At the time when I suggested a customizable memory window allowing the user to configure which fields he wants to fill in or edit, the development team were doing more important things (I agree totally) and the memory feature was regarded as something crude which needed a total redesign, probably going to xml instead of Access structures and this remains there until now.

A workaround for my needs was to use an external logging program with CAT support.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

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