A few days ago Gary, W7FG, posted a problem to the group that he was having
with CW Skimmer. I originally have had CW Skimmer working great here with
PowerSDR, however as of late I am having issues with it to the point I am
about to throw in the Skimmer towell.

The specific problem is this:

The frequency readout on PowerSDR and CWSkimmer are the same. If I change
frequency they both track and agree and are correct. I can see stations on
the CWSkimmer display, they are decoded and all is fine...except that the
frequency where the station is shown on the vertical frequency scale on the
right side in the Skimmer display is off by more than 3 KHz...sometimes a
lot more, and if I click on a station in the CWSkimmer disply, PowerSDR will
change to that frequency and the digital frequency display window in Skimmer
will change to that frequency also (same freq as displayed in PSDR), but
that ain't where the station actually is. The stations traces moves
somewhere else when I click it.

I've gone through the settings a hundred times on several different days,
I've completely uninstalled Skimmer and reinstalled it, changed settings,
rebooted, rechecked and recussed many times, so now I am seeking
professional help.

Any assistance and advice is greatly appreciated. All other 3rd party
programs and applications work fine, PowerSDR is working fine, CWSkimmer is
working, just the freq issue.

My stuff:
PowerSDR 1.14.0
CWSkimmer 1.3
VAC 4.09
Dell Quad Core Puter

73 Joel W5ZN
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