Ed is a marvelous resource, we all owe him a great deal of appreciation!


Neal Campbell
Abroham Neal Software
Programming Services for Windows, OS X and Linux
(540) 242 0911
Try Spot for OS X, the intelligent DXCluster Client at
www.abrohamnealsoftware.com -  $15.99
For a great dog book, visit www.abrohamneal.com
See the FlexRadio Systems Flex-5000a in
action at www.flex-videos.com

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:30 AM, Joel Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK...CW Skimmer problem solved here at W5ZN.
> Ed, N5DG, just dropped me a note and said to make sure spur reduction is not
> checked.
> It was.
> As soon as I "unchecked" it everything is working FB.
> I don't recall seeing this in the write up on the Flex site, so whoever has
> access and control to that may want to put a note in there about SR.
> No I have the question of what is it with SR that causes this problem. I
> have been told to run SR on CW. It is confusing to me so I need to do some
> study, but obviously you can't run SR on CW if you are going to run CWS.
> Anyway, as usual many, many thanks to everyone for their help and mucho
> thanks to Ed once again (he got me going initially with Skimmer) for his
> help.
> 73 Joel W5ZN
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neal Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 7:31 AM
> To: Joel Harrison
> Cc: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] CW Skimmer.....Again!
> Hi Joel
> Are you using CW-L? If so I think you have to set the IF freq in Skimmer at
> 6400 for it to work correctly. I was having similar problems until Ed set me
> straight!
> 73
> Neal k3nc
>  Neal Campbell
> Abroham Neal Software
> Programming Services for Windows, OS X and Linux
> (540) 242 0911
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Try Spot for OS X, the intelligent DXCluster Client at
> www.abrohamnealsoftware.com -  $15.99
> -------------------------------------------------
> For a great dog book, visit www.abrohamneal.com
> -------------------------------------------------
> See the FlexRadio Systems Flex-5000a in
> action at www.flex-videos.com
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Joel Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A few days ago Gary, W7FG, posted a problem to the group that he was
>> having with CW Skimmer. I originally have had CW Skimmer working great
>> here with PowerSDR, however as of late I am having issues with it to
>> the point I am about to throw in the Skimmer towell.
>> The specific problem is this:
>> The frequency readout on PowerSDR and CWSkimmer are the same. If I
>> change frequency they both track and agree and are correct. I can see
>> stations on the CWSkimmer display, they are decoded and all is
>> fine...except that the frequency where the station is shown on the
>> vertical frequency scale on the right side in the Skimmer display is
>> off by more than 3 KHz...sometimes a lot more, and if I click on a
>> station in the CWSkimmer disply, PowerSDR will change to that
>> frequency and the digital frequency display window in Skimmer will
>> change to that frequency also (same freq as displayed in PSDR), but
>> that ain't where the station actually is. The stations traces moves
> somewhere else when I click it.
>> I've gone through the settings a hundred times on several different
>> days, I've completely uninstalled Skimmer and reinstalled it, changed
>> settings, rebooted, rechecked and recussed many times, so now I am
>> seeking professional help.
>> Any assistance and advice is greatly appreciated. All other 3rd party
>> programs and applications work fine, PowerSDR is working fine,
>> CWSkimmer is working, just the freq issue.
>> My stuff:
>> PowerSDR 1.14.0
>> CWSkimmer 1.3
>> VAC 4.09
>> Dell Quad Core Puter
>> 73 Joel W5ZN
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