
Things may have changed since you used SVN last.

Based on your e-mail, you have only downloaded the binaries for the TRUNK.  The 
trunk is the current PowerSDR release (v1.18.0) with only bug fixes.  It is the 
most stable PowerSDR binaries in the SVN tree (excluding the tags).  

The SVN folder that has the alpha/beta code is 
PowerSDR/Branches/Test/bin/Release (as opposed to /PowerSDR/trunk/bin/Release 
where you just recently created a repository via a "checkout").  You will need 
to create different folder and do a checkout for that repository if you want to 
use alpha code.

So to answer your questions:
1. Is it OK to right-click on the PowerSVN folder, select SVN Update?
[Tim] Yes.  Any folder that has the SVN "check mark" can be updated.  If you 
update a "parent" folder, all of the "child" (sub-folders) below it will be 
updated too

2. If I do this, I am assuming that PowerSDR 1.18.0 is to be shut down.
[Tim] Only the application you are updating needs to be shut down or you will 
get an update error because it can not up date a file that you have open.  As a 
best practice. Shut down PowerSDR before updating

3. After I download the SVN(s), will I see an SVN number at the top of PowerSDR?
[Tim]  Not necessarily.  SVN has many different PowerSDR (and other 
applications) project folders.  An update in any folder in SVN increments the 
SVN number.  That does not mean that the folder you have checked out is the one 
with the update just because the SVN number incremented.  You have to look at 
the SVN log to figure out what has been changed.

For more information about the SVN tree structure and how it is used, see the 
following KB article

The bottom line is do the SVN update on the checkout folder and you will get 
the latest version for that folder.


-----Original Message-----
From: flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz 
[mailto:flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz] On Behalf Of Mike Sch.
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 3:45 PM
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] Flex-3000 and SVN updates (Do them, or NOT?)

Good day, all;

    I used to have an SDR-1000 a long time ago.  Back then, I enjoyed the 
progression the radio's functionality took, as I did the right-click and 
selected (whatever it was) to allow the latest SVN to be installed.

    Now that I have received my shiny Flex-3000, I am wondering if this is an 
applicable action for those of us who are running this new series of radio.

    It SEEMS very logical that YES, we can do this same action, but I am 
running on an HP Pavilion computer which now has XP SP-3 running on it, AFTER A 
VERY LONG BATTLE to make this a possibility.  (It was Visty,
before.)  I am just a little worried that I might mess up the efforts expended, 
you see.

    I have downloaded and installed
TortoiseSVN-  Per the instructions, I have made 
a new folder named PowerSDR SVN.  By right-clicking on this new folder, I 
selected "SVN Checkout," then downloaded "Binaries Only: 
as shown in the Tortoise instructions. 

    Looking at the LOG MESSAGES, I now see the newest revision as number 2943.  
(I was SURE that I saw this number as nn50 (2950?) just before I updated this 
list a moment ago!  -What's THAT all about?)

    So, my basic questions:
1. Is it OK to right-click on the PowerSVN folder, select SVN Update?
2. If I do this, I am assuming that PowerSDR 1.18.0 is to be shut down.
3. After I download the SVN(s), will I see an SVN number at the top of PowerSDR?

    What steps do I need to take?

    Thank you for your patience.  (I need this, as I am an old phart.)

    73!    Mike    K0JTA   

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