A legacy radio like a K3 or Orion uses a signal chain that is mostly in 
hardware.  The signal goes 

[ant-bandpass filter-preamp-mixer-if amp-roofing filter-mixer-more filters-more 
amplifiers-demodulator-DSP stage-audio amp]

Some of these stages may be rearranged or left out but its basically some 
variation of this

The F5K or 3K goes  [ant-banpass filter-preamp-mixer-ADC-software-audio]   

In a legacy radio the reason you need "roofing filters" is because of all those 
amps and mixers done in discrete components.  Each of those mixers and amps 
lends itself to overload, so in order to avoid overload you stick in a big 
attenuator called a "filter".  That attenuator however does not attenuate 
things in its passband, so in order to keep things from distorting, roofing 
filters keep getting narrower and narrower   If you have 2 strong signals 
inside a 500hz roofing filter for example they distort the hell out of each 

The Flex radio instead of all these amps and such uses equations in the 
computer [software] to do all the magic that turns RF into audio.  Equations 
unlike discrete components do no distort so there is no reason to have "roofing 
filters".  This in its essence is the reason the Flex radios do not need 
roofing filters.

Another reason is the flex radio as opposed to using crystal filters to slice 
off sidebands, uses a skind of "phasing" technique to get rid of things like 
images and unwanted sidebands

If you can imagine a double sideband signal looking like this   54321-0-12345   
where 0 is the carrier in order to get rid of the "12345" and get SSB in a 
legacy radio you need a $200 filter to chop off the "12345".  In the flex 
scheme in order to get rid of the "12345" you just set those values to 0 in the 
computer program.  You do it mathematically with no "filter" at all just math;. 
 Since you do it with math you miss all the distortion that things like filters 
add to the signal, so you wind up with a very clean very well behaved very 
undistorted SSB signal.  Because you don't need a roofing filter you also can 
have a panadapter with a wide bandwidth for click tuning and frequency 

Hope that is of some help

73  W9OY

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