On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Steven O'Neal<se_on...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> With the soon to be release of the full versions of Win 7 the question 
> becomes is it worth the trouble to switch off of XP ?

There is the tendency to think in terms of "newer is better". The real
questions are:

1. Is what I am doing working reliably?

2. Will I gain functionality if I upgrade?

I suspect that your answers to 1 and 2 above are yes and no
respectively. If that is so then upgrading from XP is a waste of time
and money. The operating system is not an application that provides
usable new features when there is a new version. It is there simply to
provide the environment wherein your other programs, e.g. PowerSDR,
can run. Also consider that many of the bugs and security problems in
XP have been dealt with. Windows 7 is going to have a whole new set of
bugs that will crop up to compromise the system.

I have one machine running day in and day out using Windows 2000. This
machine runs the Echolink server for our school repeater. There is
nothing that XP, Vista, or 7 can provide that will allow the machine
to perform this function any better so I see no advantage to upgrade
it and the possible disadvantage that I will break it and have to
spend time trying to get back to where I am right now.

So, until PowerSDR and the other ham radio programs that you are
running on your shack computer either require Windows 7 or take
advantage of some new feature, stick with what you have.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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