One night, I left my f3k on all night. I had turned the laptop off.

For the next 2 weeks I had major issues with PowerSDR either not
running at all or the audio/panadapter view would freeze after a few
minutes until I did a Stop/Start.
Then it would work fine again for another few minutes.
My laptop is a Gateway, 3g single cpu, 1.5g ram, with Vista. This
worked fine for the 6 weeks before I left the radio on.
I tried a new core 2 duo laptop that had never been used for the f3k.
I got the same results with PowerSDR freezing after a few minutes.
I replaced the hard drive in the Gateway with the original hard drive
that has XP on it. I ran Update to get XP current.
Guess what, same result with PowerSDR freezing. I was ready to send my
radio in for fixing.

There was only one piece of hardware to check. The power supply that I
have been using with the F3K is a Radio Shack 25amp switching power
supply. It always appeared to work fine with the radio always starting
up. I switched to my 20 year old 35amp Astron and the radio has
performed PERFECTLY since then. So I must assume that the RS supply
may not be as clean as it should be now.

I have been lurking here for a couple of months and I don't remember
seeing this type of problem/solution mentioned so I thought I would
throw this in.
This list is great and appreciate all the help I have gotten by
reading other posts.


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