Help, Flexers: With my Flex 5K with current firmware, driver and SDR:
When I transmit on CW I hear a drop-out on the CW sidetone approximately every two seconds. The length of the drop-out is about the length of a dit at 25 WPM. At slower speeds, it sounds like a crackle in the audio but won't take out an entire dit or dah. The first drop out sounds within a second or two and continues every two seconds (consistent interval) for as long as I care to transmit. The interval between drop-outs is consistent regardless of sending speed or whether I am keying the radio with the internal CWX utility or with an external paddle. Checking the actual transmitted signal with a separate receiver, the actual transmitted note gives a instantaneous change in pitch...sounds like one RTTY "diddle" that corresponds with the sidetone drop-out. This characteristic is also independent of power level from 1 watt to 100 watts. This has characteristic has been present in the radio since day 1 and is not a new thing with the most recent firmware/driver/software upgrades. I also cannot make it go away with any combination of settings with the setup form. (So, you wonder what motivated me to create the "spreadsheet!) Any suggestions? Frank N1UW _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List Archives: Knowledge Base: Homepage: Message delivered to