WB6RQN wrote:

> The end result? One guy, with one station, at the flick of one switch, now
works every station automatically, some (many?) of them simultaneously. With
the ability to scan and monitor other bands the software can determine
changing propagation conditions and switch bands, continuing the process.

> I know, this sounds like science fiction but it is possible to do this today
with the Flex radios. No, the existing PowerSDR will not allow this but I
suspect that the next gen software, if it is sufficiently modular, will
permit someone to build just such a fully-automatic contest station. All it
will take is a bit of time, money, and willingness to get the job done.

Not science fiction at all. Once you remove the need for decoding by humans, everything else already exists. Turn on your computer, leave on a one year cruise, and see how many contests and new DXCC countries you have "worked" when you return. The real question is "Does that really excite you?" Not at all for me...in fact it sounds totally boring. My fun in radio is the operating. Remove that and I'll take up photography or sail around the world.

This is precisely the reason CW Skimmer (or equivalent) puts one in a different class in contests today. Contests are meant to be between humans, not computers. Perhaps another analogy is chess. Is the goal to see who has the best computer and software or who has the best unassisted brain? To each his own, but a fully-automatic contest station sounds totally boring to me.

                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

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