I've also noticed the "first time doesn't work" issue with my 5K on Windows 7 x64.

The way I can tell "it's going to work this time" is that the 5K Firewire device pops up on the task bar with a removable hardware icon. Strange...

Once it does kick over and fire, though, it works quite well. I won't say there are *no* drop-outs, but there are so few that I can't remember when the last one occurred.

Jim, N7CXI

Steven L Hess wrote:
The current PowerSDR and the current Firewire Driver mostly work just
under Windows 7 64.
Sometimes I have to turn my Flex-3000 on twice for the Firewire Driver
to kick in before running PowerSDR.

Windows 7 64 bit seems to default install in the paranoid security
policy mode.
I had to be administrator to install VAC and vspMgr.
I am not even sure I can access those programs because of them running
in that mode?
I set up a pair of virtual audio cables and a pair of virtual serial
cables. Can I use / access these cables as a normal user?
Not used to Windows at all, been spending my time as a Linux endluser. I
am spoiled by openSUSE.


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