There are several problems here.

1. SWR has NO relationship to how well an antenna works or radiates. A REAL antenna does not need a low SWR. Please obtain a copy of Maxwells Reflections and learn something about SWR and the Myths many hams believe.

2. Flex advertises their Flex 5000 ATU to work with a 10:1 SWR. This is false advertising as the Flex ATU struggles with 2:1 SWRs. 10:1 SWR would be a wet noodle antenna.

3. On bands like 75, 15, and 10 mtrs, an antenna will not have a low SWR over the whole band. An internal antenna will "help" the radio work the whole band.

4. Most radios - including the Flex folds back power the higher the SWR. Internal tuners help protect the radio.

5. Every internal tuner I have had in a radio works on 3:1 SWRs. My last radio, the Icom Pro III worked perfectly with my antennas. The Flex ATU does not. I do not expect the Flex ATU to load up a wet noodle. I DO expect it to work as well as other internal tuners.

6. The MFJ 993B is an excellent example of an auto tuner that works the way it should.

Stan K9IUQ

Carl N9GC wrote:
Their basic philosophy is that the tuner works with loads with SWR of less than 3 to 1. They make no apologies for this "limit" but say very candidly that if you have an SWR of over 3 to 1 that you have an antenna problem, not a tuner or radio problem, and they suggest that you fix your antenna problem!
Or to put it less politely than they did (what follows are my words), Please 
don't expect this expensive world class contest grade transceiver to load up 
your wet piece of string that's at 15 feet height next to aluminum gutters. If 
you want a real station, you have half of it, a good transceiver. Now get a 
real antenna.

I have been using the MFJ 993B auto tuner for a year and it works very well 
with my very poor antenna setup in an attic. When it won't match what I have, I 
know I am once again trying to violate (not break) the laws of physics.

Rant meter now off.

73, Carl N9GC
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