
I found the Fldigi system interesting... and at first you had me thinking someone had found a way around the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, in terms of making rapid measurements of fine frequency differences...

So I did some research on Fldigi, tried it out, and looked up AFC algorithms on Google... I found this really interesting survey article, with some real meat in it (not for the faint of heart):

At any rate, in there you find the DFT variant (discrete Fourier Transform) which Fldigi may, or may not, be using. At any rate, I'm right at home with FFT's and I could readily see that there is no speedup by using a tracking filter. It takes the same amount of time to approximate fine frequency deviations, no matter how you do it.

That is very reassuring to me, having spent much of my career trying desperately to estimate things like precession periods of incoming nuclear warheads, (which are around 100 mHz), based on only a few seconds of observations...

But what is great about Fldigi, compared to SpectrumLab, is that the tracking filter approach performs a kind of continuous averaging for you, in displaying the estimated tracked frequency.

However, I tried using SpectrumLab last night, where I produced a strip-chart of the estimated FFT frequencies. SL uses FFT bin interpolation, on the assumption that (a) SNR is good and high, (b) no nearby interfering signals, and (c) they know the shape of the windowing function. It is a fancier form of DFT AFC than described in the paper (above). There is a huge advantage to having a strip chart recording because, instead of trying to estimate changing trends by eyeballing individual measurements as they come flying past, you can actually see the p-p frequency deviations and the chatter on top of the longer term cyclic trends.

Fldigi seems to use hard-coded loop bandwidths and capture ranges. 2 Hz capture range, 5 sec integration time. Good, but I would sure like to be able to tweak those myself. SpectrumLab also has its limitations in that there aren't sufficient computational capabilities built into its tiny analysis programming language.

(Oh, how I dream of just doing it all myself in Lisp, with Lisp fully present all the time... that way you can make up ad-hoc measurements that would never have been thought of until you need them. Closed systems can't possibly anticipate every need. I'm getting dangerously close to rolling up my sleeves and just doing it. If I do, then I'll share with everyone too...)

- de Dave, N7AIG

Dr. David McClain
Chief Technical Officer
Refined Audiometrics Laboratory
4391 N. Camino Ferreo
Tucson, AZ  85750

phone: 1.520.390.3995

On Oct 10, 2010, at 16:34, Brian Lloyd wrote:

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Jerry Flanders <>wrote:

An additional source of error is the fact that the 5000 does not tune
continuously. It tunes in steps, and they are irregular, so an additional correction is required. When you are watching your WWV phase display, a part of the error you see may be due to this. This may not be important unless
you are trying for sub -100 mHz accuracy.

Well, I did pretty well and figure I should comment here.

First thing I want to say is: I was lucky. I should not have done as well as
I did. I will explain why as I go along.

My setup: Flex 5000, LPRO-101 Rb reference, beta PowerSDR, Fldigi 3.21.0AM.

Sources of error:

1. accuracy of the reference;
2. tuning accuracy of the Flex 5000 DDS;
3. ionospheric doppler error.

The LPRO-101 Rb reference is pretty close to on-the-money. Error there
should be less than 1mHz at 10MHz so this is not a significant source of

The Flex 5000 uses an Analog Devices AD9959 DDS chip to generate the LO signals. This chip uses a control word which is really a fraction by which the 500MHz clock is multiplied. The result does not necessarily fall on an exact 1Hz boundary. It is correct to +/- 55mHz (an overall peak-to- peak frequency error of 110mHz). Analog Devices has a calculator that will tell you the actual error for any given input. It also appears that Flex does not use all of the bits in the tuning word further reducing accuracy. (The error is still well under +/-0.2Hz but that isn't really good enough for an FMT.)

The last source of error is the ionosphere. I use fldigi's frequency
measurement function to repeatedly sample the frequency. When measuring frequency fldigi phase-locks to the signal and accumulates phase error in order to calculate frequency rapidly. I get about 1800 frequency data points in a 2 minute sample period. That data goes into a spreadsheet where I plot the data and do statistical analysis. The plots for 40m and 80m (I couldn't
hear the east coast 80m and 160m transmissions) showed significant
variations, with 40m having a peak-to-peak variation of 800mHz and 80m
having a peak-to-peak variation of 300mHz.

I plot the data so I can look for clear trends that are not obvious from the statistical analysis alone. Looking at the plot of frequency over time shows a non-random distribution. This is NOT a Gaussian distribution. In fact, to my eye it appears that there are at least two periodicities. I am thinking
that it appears more chaotic than random.

So, with all that, you can see that, even if my statistical analysis was dead-nuts accurate, the error in setting the VFO in the Flex 5000 would introduce enough error to keep me from getting within 10mHz. Given that, I hold that my success (5mHz on 80m and 51mHz on 40m) is pure luck. All my errors combined to cancel out. I am chalking it up to beginner's luck (and a smaller dose of understanding error sources). But that isn't the way to win
every time.

One other thing, I see a lot of discussion of the Thunderbolt
GPS-disciplined oscillator (GPSDO). I have one of those as well as my
LPRO-101 Rb reference. Both work just fine. My feeling is that, while the
LPRO-101 does not have as great an absolute accuracy, it has better
short-term accuracy with lower phase noise (jitter). The right answer is a
GPS-disciplined Rubidium reference.

Still, the FMT was a lot of fun and you can bet your bippy that I will be entering more of them in the future. I hope that I will be able to kick
everyone's butt for real in November. :-)

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.931.492.6776 (USA)
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