
Have you tried a database reset?  The final has been very durable,  as a
matter of fact,   I am not sure that has been an actual failure of the final
yet..     Try the reset,  if that does not work,  let me know directly.


FlexRadio Systems

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On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Fred Spinner <> wrote:

> Upgraded the software last night to 2.0.16.. listened a lot with it.
>  Except for the 9KHz spur my -1500 has (which I got around by changing the
> DDS offset slightly), almost all of my complaints went away with the
> upgrade.
> Decided to try some QRP PSK-31 with it today.  There is no power out of the
> rig.  The TX "fwd pwr" meter shows that there is (in percent but I bet
> that's measured before the final) but I see no output with two different
> (and verified working with other rigs) wattmeters.
> I'm not in the mood to try to hook it to my spectrum analyzer.  I'm curious
> what I am getting out.  I can hear a signal on other rigs but I'm sure I'm
> putting out milliwatts at most.
> Before I send the thing back to Austin for warranty service, is there
> anything else I need to know to make this work?  Yes the RX/TX is set to
> "PA" and yes, it used to put out 5W on all bands into the same dummy load
> under 2.0.8.  I can't revert back to 2.0.8... I just cant.  The software
> looks like it's TXing the signal fine and I see the TX meter in "percentage"
> read correctly but I'm getting no power out of the PA.
> The PA has taken no abuse.  Actually it's TX'ed for about a grand total of
> 3 minutes since I got it in early Aug and all of that has been into a 50 ohm
> dummy load.
> I really want to like this radio someday.. please help me do it.
> Fred W0FMS
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