
I doubt that you did anything wrong to hurt the radio, or that the upgrade
to 2.0.16 caused it either.
Please call/email Dudley on Monday to get an RMA.
Sounds like a failed relay in the 20/30 Meter filter.
We will turn it quickly for you.

--- Graham /KE9H


On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Fred Spinner <> wrote:

> Possible.. no matter what it has to go back.  I just thought the timing of
> the symptoms to bit a bit too coincidental.  I went from working TX (but
> with too many audio dropouts on the two machines I was able to try it on)
> with 2.0.8 to not putting output on ANY band in 2.0.16 to working on all
> bands except 20m/30m in 2.0.8 to then doing the same on 2.0.16.  Timing was
> very suspicious but anything is possible.  Maybe it took out a relay?  Maybe
> it's all coincidence  It's possible I guess..  I've been having that sort of
> luck lately...
> I just got back home from my mother-in-law passing away and have a week of
> work to make up at work.. also discovered that my rotor doesn't like the
> cold.  It works.. eventually..  been that sort of day/week already.
> I'll call flex tomorrow during the day and try to get it off to them on
> Tuesday.  Bummer...
> Really three and a half months waiting to get this thing working well for
> me is starting to seriously get on the nerves.  But I think with 2.0.16 Flex
> is finally at the level they should of been at when delivering these units
> in stability and usability.  Except for the dead TX band, the rig works the
> way I thought it would, finally, when I bought it.  I really wanted to make
> a few 20m PSK Q's with it today though... :O(  I suppose I could do a 40m Q
> but it's getting late...
> Fred W0FMS
> Nov 14, 2010 08:54:53 PM, wrote:
> ===========================================
> On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 6:51 PM, Fred Spinner  wrote:
>  I on my own reloaded 2.0.16 and now notice the same symptoms-- works
> except on 20m/30m.  Previous to the downgrade/upgrade I was getting no power
> out on all bands.. now just 20m/30m isn't working.  I theorize that somehow
> the TX filters weren't getting properly switched and when I tried 80m/40m,
> 6m etc.. it was transmitting through the 20m filter and damaged it (opened
> up a cap or coil in the filter).
> Sounds like a bad relay switching the bandpass filter. The 5W PA is not
> going to burn out a bandpass filter. It just won't be able to deliver power
> into it. That the radio produces power on all the other bands says that the
> PA is fine but that the 20m/30m bandpass filter is not being switched in.
> Like I said, sounds like a bad relay.
> Sounds like it needs a trip home.
> --
> Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
> 3191 Western Dr.
> Cameron Park, CA 95682
> +1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
> +1.931.492.6776 (USA)
> (+1.931.4.WB6RQN)
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