Thanks to all who have suggested other things to look at for as sources
of noise besides the power line.
I can eliminate the computer as a source of noise for one simple reason.
_Neal Campbell built it_. I know that it has been tested with a 5000a
and was quiet when he made it. When I assembled my station, I scraped an
area clean under the thumbscrew holding the side on and ran a ground
wire from the PC case at that point to the station ground bus. The
ground bus runs about 6 feet., using a #6 wire, to a copper coated steel
rod 8 feet in the ground and then to another identical rod 15 feet away
and from that point to the house ground. All are tied together with #6
copper wire. So I think the computer and grounding are not the problem.
I had not thought a lot about the house, but I had tested everything in
he house I could think of, by turning them off and got no change in the
interference. There are two power poles about 100 feet, at most, and my
truck's AM radio almost melts down when I go under them.
I have ordered two arrow hand held beam antennas which I will use with
my Kenwood TH6-FA. The "B" band on the HT can tune, in AM mode, from
about 3 MHz to 1.3 GHz. Then I will go through the house, listening to
the noise as well as check the light pole around my house, especially
the (apparently) noisy ones.
You guys have given me some great ideas for checking other things out as
well. I will also check out the switching PS also, although I got it
from Flex with the 5000a.
_Neal Campbell is my secret weapon_. Always generous with his time - a
real gentleman and an expert in this area of Flex SDRs. Anyone who is
contemplating a new PC ought to get him to build it. Saves a lot of
trouble and time.
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