On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Hulen Smith <clay1...@cmaaccess.com> wrote:
> I'm at a loss as to how to connect (CAT control w/third party software) > with > my 1500 since it has no serial port. I'm familiar with vCOM & VAC as I use > it with my K3/PWSDR-IF. I use it also with LP-Bridge and HRD with my > Flex-1000. These radios have serial ports. Once I connect to them I can use > VCOM or similar virtual com port program to inter-connect with everything. > I > can't figure out how to get to first base with the 1500 since it is USB. > All of the third party software looks for comm ports for these connections. > There is no difference between the 1500 and the 3000 and 5000. The connection between the RF hardware and PowerSDR is not at issue because the "radio" is really PowerSDR. It is PowerSDR that is controlling your other programs, not the physical hardware. I don't know what programs you want to use with PowerSDR but they all work the same way regardless of RF hardware. The big question is whether you want to control more than one program from PowerSDR, e.g. digital mode program and a logging program, or you want PowerSDR to be controlled by more than one program. In that case you need to learn about DDutil. I recommend you read the section in the FlexRadioWiki ( http://FlexRadioWiki.com) on Overview of the PowerSDR system with supporting and external programs<http://abrohamnealsw.on-rev.com/index.php?OverviewSDRsys> . Follow that with the sections on Virtual Serial Port Programs<http://abrohamnealsw.on-rev.com/index.php?VspPrograms> and VAC <http://abrohamnealsw.on-rev.com/index.php?VAC>. I think that will answer a lot of questions for you. -- Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL 3191 Western Dr. Cameron Park, CA 95682 br...@lloyd.com +1.767.617.1365 (Dominica) +1.931.492.6776 (USA) (+1.931.4.WB6RQN) _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/ Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/ Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/