On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:50 AM, Michael Ruttenberg <mjruttenb...@gmail.com>wrote:
> Let's not forget that MMTTY integrates with other loggers like N1MM too. > But so does fldigi. You just use DDutil as a router for CAT commands thus allowing fldigi and N1MM to have access to the CAT data stream to/from the radio. -- Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL 3191 Western Dr. Cameron Park, CA 95682 br...@lloyd.com +1.767.617.1365 (Dominica) +1.931.492.6776 (USA) (+1.931.4.WB6RQN) _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/ Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/ Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/