
Including you, many others have discussed the short comings of running ASFK 
RTTY with PowerSDR.  There have been some "Band-Aids" done in the past, but 
what is really needed is a more functional implementation ASFK RTTY mode.  As 
the first step to that end goal of making PowerSDR the ultimate digital mode 
radio was the recent enhancement to center DIGx mode filters to be at the 
ClickTune Offset value and refactoring the filter widths, but more needs to be 
done.   To that effect, I have written a "User Story" (US) for FlexRadio 
defining a more usable ASFK RTTY mode for PowerSDR that includes the 
suggestions you have made here.  It would in essence replace DIGL.  Defining a 
US is the first step in a program change/enhancement in PowerSDR, so the 
initial ground work has been accomplished.  Hopefully it will rise to the top 
of the feature list in a future PowerSDR release.  I may be able to help it 
along by doing some of the coding when I find the time, but I am a NOVICE C# 
programmer and I am learning as I go, so don't count on anything in the near 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of iw1ayd
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 3:05 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] MMTTY vs FLDIGI

Hello to all.
With the biggest respect to the experiences and the personal opinion of 
everybody I would suggest to use MMTTY. Its internal filters are far superior 
to the those inside FLDIGI. That's all, IMHO. All but not enough for sure. Just 
to say more about my personal experiences and views I would try to write here 
some more deeply about my RTTY activities.

Just for QSO or exotics modes DM780 and FLDIGi may have some attractions, but 
no way if you want to do something of relevant in RTTY.  For relevant I mean 
not only some RTTY QSO, but also extenuating RTTY pile ups and, why not, those 
roaming RTTY contests.

The combo N1MM+MTTY is unbeatable, even AFSK: filters and great automation, 
Filters by MMTTY and automation by N1MM. {(ALT-F7 +1) it's a wonderful, even if 
manual, SPLIT command when you listen '1 UP'}

The Logger side of HRD is also useful to maintain  and to give relief for the 
LoTW and eQSL management. Load it exporting from N1MM to have electronic QSL 
submission and checks.

First of all remember to have a TX filter defined in POWERSDR(tm) for any mode 
you will use, just not to spread too much signal out of the needed hundreds 
Hertz pass band. Then have some macros, thanks FLEX for a very well declined 
CAT commands set, useful to change filters, set offsets and so on.
For POWERSDR(tm) remember to place some offset values, those right pse, so when 
you will spot anybody the spot would be on the right QRG. This will be also 
useful to have point and click tuning fully automated well inside the TX filter 

Than you will have a single logger well suited for several radios just changing 
the macro set for each one, the same environment to drive in the same way with 
any vehicle you have. I already done this for a PROIII, a 7600, a 7700, a 
FT-950 and my love a FLEX 3000. All the radio 
have filters and more driven by the   computer. The logger is the focus, 
in QSO, in the pile up and in contest.  Well the 3000 with its panadapter 
does't need large MF filters out of the 250/200 Hz one, you will see the anyway 
any potential correspondent in the pan-adapter: just point and click to have 
inside the MMTTY waterfall also. BTW this will work for any audio/CAT 
interface, from the home made one, to the MicroHam and even to the ICOM USB 
(AFSK only, sigh!).

N1MM is the only logger that I know that have 24 user definable macros out of 
the QSO input windows with it's own macros.
The trick is to learn a logger, N1MM, doing normal activity to become really 
acquainted to it for any contest. How to learn a logger, easy: 
have it in everyday usage. How you could use a tricky logger for the everyday 
use, more easy: having one of this beasts that looks friendly and not a 3270 
dumb terminal.

Take care to have MMTTY 1.68A and it's profiling file for filters and decode 
choices. Some are to be modifies, as to get rid of NET or ATC or AFC, be 
advised. Be advised also that some combined effects of the MMTTY AF filters may 
seems to be way too much tied to be useful. Time and learning will help to use 
and judge.

DM780 was my first choice, but I switched to MMTTY to have FSK, N1MM was a must 
doing my small contest activity. But it's also the main choice, together with 
FLEX, for IQ1RY RTTY 24H contests and we win something last years. Thanks to 
all on bands and there. I think it's a good point. 
The radio macro set was the same, the radio changed, but nobody cared about ... 
well ... almost: HI! The first operator, IK1HXN, never used a FLEX before: his 
first run in a 24h contest went to a win.  As the N1MM and macro commands was 
well know by him. With the FLEX it went more easy and effortless for the 2010 
DL-DX than for the 2010 Volta, that was played with a traditional radio!

There will be much more to explain in between those points to glue all together 
and to make a full blown working picture, but it would be too much here and I 
don't want to stole more space. A usual, I hope that my language was clear 
enough to be readable.

                              73 de iw1ayd Salvo

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