Nope, that has not changed.  We are not taking about adding "modems" to 
PowerSDR, just making the changes so that DIGL behaves more appropriately when 
interfacing to ASFK RTTY digi mode programs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Drax Felton [] 
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 6:49 PM
Cc: Tim Ellison;
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] MMTTY vs FLDIGI

Have times changed?  :-) When I asked about native digital modes last year the 
response was it was decided early on that the existing digimode software was so 
good and plentiful that vac was the way.

On Apr 22, 2011, at 6:06 PM, iw1ayd <> wrote:

> OK Tim, just for the matter, it wasn't and it isn't in my intention to be 
> against the FLEX AFSK at all. But as you rightly wrote inside POWERSDR(TM) it 
> could be made better and easy to use all around.
> I am really tied to FLEX with AFSK, no regrets. I would like write a lot more 
> about TPF, noise and so on with some new things about, but as I already wrote 
> before I wouldn't like to stole too much space here.
> Back on the spilled out subject of AFSK ... with my beloved 3000 I am using 
> low tones for RTTY and it's better, a lot better, than high tones that I use 
> with other radios. But other radios are much more appreciated at my club 
> station when we are half a dozen of operators at a time. I never liked AFSK 
> since my first home built audio/PTT interface, I added a the FSK opto just 
> some day after I finished it. My 775 was really happy with it! The PROIII 
> even more!
> But the FLEX AFSK is another thing, IMHO. A much better thing with the right 
> setup done.
> Anyway anything that could made better sounding the AFSK matters for ours 
> FLEX radios would be a lot appreciated, be sure.
> One of my ideas about the AFSK subject that I attempted to write down in my 
> last mail was just to say: remember to have a TX filter for the tones you 
> would use for any mode.
> The implication of the offset for the filters and for the filters 
> steps/widths will come by itself from there. Tim you are right saying that 
> using the right code it would be much more simple to setup the radio for the 
> different ways that each of us would have for those modes.
> A handfull of memory slots for parameters store and retrieval, driven by CAT 
> commands or by FP buttons, would be a great help I think. Not to find ourself 
> scavenging in two or tree places of the setup/DB to change it just for the 
> suited mode or fiddling each one parameter as to find the better mean value 
> for each modes and the program that is in use.
> This would sound like different applicable personalities like those PK that 
> use Kenwood since than for the FM VHF/UHF transceivers. Have some different 
> setup for the DB and simply switch between those to have V/V or U/U ready as 
> needed for that time or event. Have some different sets of parameters for the 
> FLEX DB and a simple, button and/or CAT cmd.s, ways to switch over and change 
> yours radio in a snip. Definitively Kenwood does it via the firmware since 
> several years ago (since the TM-V7?). May be it's not better that the sliced 
> bred ... What do you think about Tim? Any other taker?
> This obviously out of the fact that I just know Perl, bash and no more. Tot 
> enough to write code, sorry. I am back in my hole, OK. It's an automated 
> hole, all the task here are checked out and dove via Perl, but automatic and 
> automation haven's the same means. Also, may be there is already such a great 
> provision ... and I am silly not reading all the docs stuff since, well, 
> almost two months. SRY in that case.
>                                                              73 de iw1ayd 
> Salvo
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