On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Bret Mills <bmil...@ecso.com> wrote:

> Why use wire at all?
> Fiber optics is the way to go if your talking about changing things then
> change it to something that makes since, after all Wire of any kind make a
> good receiver antenna which is what the problems are in the first place
> with
> Firewire, USB, or Ethernet.

Good point. But if you use Ethernet, you can change media without having to
change software.

> Speed on Fiber optic cable will be thousands, millions or even trillions of
> times faster then ANY Copper using multi wavelengths of Light and won't
> react to RF energy .

Well, it won't necessarily be faster than copper for the kinds of distances
we want to run. And remember that you have to move electrons to make the
photons. Regardless, it does provide excellent isolation at HF. ;-)

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
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