
I have done this and there are a few things you need to consider.
Think of it as launching a satellite as you just can't run across the
room to fix it.

The easy part is getting it working.  The hard part is keeping it
working.  Some think the port forwarding is the hardest part, but it
is the easiest part.  You could also run a VPN so that it looks like
it is on your same network (I should try that).

Things to keep in mind....

How to reboot the computer if need be
Remote rebooting your internet modem
Reliability of your Router
Can you turn your radio on and off remotely

Both Keith (copied here) and myself had done it.  You do have to add
some extra toys like remote internet switches, power meters (LP-100 by
Larry Phipps or the Elecraft W2).

I would build your station at home first and get it working.  Park it
in another room and then lock it up for a month with the goal of not
every physically touching it.  That way it gets to experience some
real world ups and downs.  Run a few contests from home (but

Remotely, I use HRD, but you can use some RDP (remote desktop) like
VNC or Teamviewer (there are many).

For Audio, I use Skype.  Keith  likes IP-Sound.  Skype just works.
IP-Sound is a bit flaky at times and I wish the author would surface
so he could fix it.

I would hard wire everything and avoid using Wifi (I have my reasons,
but part of that is due to the only company that does good Wifi
hardware is Meru)

The goods news is that it can be done and can be down well.

I would be happy to talk ton Skype sometime if you wish.  Or, I'm sure
Keith or I would love to fly down there and help you out!  I'd be
happy to let you know where to send the ticket ... LOL  :)

Mike VA3MW

p.s.  Here is a blog entry from a few years ago on my station.  I am
currently rebuilding it.


On Sunday, May 8, 2011, Eddie DeYoung <vk...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> I am a newbie at setting up a Flex3000/5000 as a remote controlled station.
> and would like some detailed advise/guidance.  Possibly by direct email or
> Skype call so as to not take up much bandwidth on the forum? The plan is to
> establish a station at a friends QTH in Nadi Fiji and operate it from
> Australia. I have a Fiji callsign/license (3D2A) and my friend is also a
> ham. I will be returning to Fiji in October and would like to set it up
> then.  I would like to be able to operate CW-SSB-Digital modes.  I mainly
> want to operate it during contests.  We have broadband internet available in
> Fiji and a wireless broadband connection in VK. I have a spare laptop with
> firewire, Windows XPsp3, wireless and LAN connections.  I haven't bought the
> rig for Fiji yet, but have a F5KA in VK.  It would become a
> sort-of-virtual-dxpedition station!  Eddie VK4AN/3D2A
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