Based on your description of your issue, it might be a software issue, but some further troubleshooting activities will be needed to confirm this assumption.

Please submit a support ticket via our HelpDesk ( so we can assign you a case number. One of our support engineers will be in contact so we can resolve this issue for you.

Tim Ellison, W4TME
Product Management, Sales & Support
FlexRadio Systems^(TM)
4616 W Howard Ln Ste 1-150
Austin, TX 78728
Phone: 512-535-4713 Ext. 223
Email: <>
Web: <>

/Tune In Excitement^(TM)
PowerSDR^(TM) is a trademark of FlexRadio Systems/

On 11/7/2011 5:24 PM, G0DDX wrote:
I have just returned from holiday, I took the FT817 to do some portable work on 
So I unplugged the key from the Flex, and went away. (I left the Flex behind - 
Perhaps its sulking!))

I got back this weekend, and eventually plugged in the key to the Flex 1500.
I now do not have any break in on CW. Namely it does not go into to TX.

I have checked that the Break In box is ticked, and have a 300ms delay.
Iambic Key is unticked.
Iambic speed is set to 1.
i.e. its all as I left it before my holiday.

I have checked it with two different keys, and have checked both keys are 
closing the contacts.
Both keys work in my IC706, so seems to indicate its something in the Flex.

The rest of the rig appears to work as before, ie SSB etc is all OK and output 
etc unaffected.
Does anyone have any idea what I might have missed?
i.e. a checklist of things to check in the menus and anything else to try.

Its still under guarantee, and do not want to send it back, only to find out I 
have done something basic and rather silly, or missed something simple.
Is there a way of doing a hard reset on the rig, or is it just a case of 
returning it to factory in the PowerSDR Setup menu.
I have tried returning to the factory defaults, and this made no difference.

All suggestions will be appreciated, even if its down to my own stupidity!

It all worked OK 2 weeks ago before my holiday.
Just cant see or think what I could have done wrong.
I am missing using it on CW all ready!

Thanks in advance


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