        Thanks to Klaus on the Flex Helpdesk for a speedy diagnosis.
Unfortunately it has been diagnosed as a hardware failure.
I was hoping it was going to be something on the software side. It will be
with the local supplier tomorrow, and I am having withdrawal symptoms
Hopefully it wont be too long before its back in the shack again.

Again thanks to you all for such a speedy diagnosis.

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz
[mailto:flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison, W4TME
Sent: 08 November 2011 00:22
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Flex 1500 - No break in on CW

Based on your description of your issue, it might be a software issue, 
but some further troubleshooting activities will be needed to confirm 
this assumption.

Please submit a support ticket via our HelpDesk 
(http://helpdesk.flexradio.com) so we can assign you a case number.  One 
of our support engineers will be in contact so we can resolve this issue 
for you.

Tim Ellison, W4TME
Product Management, Sales & Support
FlexRadio Systems^(TM)
4616 W Howard Ln Ste 1-150
Austin, TX 78728
Phone: 512-535-4713 Ext. 223
Email: t...@flexradio.com <mailto:t...@flexradio.com>
Web: www.flexradio.com <http://www.flexradio.com>

/Tune In Excitement^(TM)
PowerSDR^(TM) is a trademark of FlexRadio Systems/

On 11/7/2011 5:24 PM, G0DDX wrote:
> I have just returned from holiday, I took the FT817 to do some portable
work on CW.
> So I unplugged the key from the Flex, and went away. (I left the Flex
behind - Perhaps its sulking!))
> I got back this weekend, and eventually plugged in the key to the Flex
> I now do not have any break in on CW. Namely it does not go into to TX.
> I have checked that the Break In box is ticked, and have a 300ms delay.
> Iambic Key is unticked.
> Iambic speed is set to 1.
> i.e. its all as I left it before my holiday.
> I have checked it with two different keys, and have checked both keys are
closing the contacts.
> Both keys work in my IC706, so seems to indicate its something in the
> The rest of the rig appears to work as before, ie SSB etc is all OK and
output etc unaffected.
> Does anyone have any idea what I might have missed?
> i.e. a checklist of things to check in the menus and anything else to try.
> Its still under guarantee, and do not want to send it back, only to find
out I have done something basic and rather silly, or missed something
> Is there a way of doing a hard reset on the rig, or is it just a case of
returning it to factory in the PowerSDR Setup menu.
> I have tried returning to the factory defaults, and this made no
> All suggestions will be appreciated, even if its down to my own stupidity!
> It all worked OK 2 weeks ago before my holiday.
> Just cant see or think what I could have done wrong.
> I am missing using it on CW all ready!
> Thanks in advance
> Geoff
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