I was having this issue after I updated to Windows 7 using Bootcamp on my 
Macbook (only a 2 Mhz dual core 2 duo).  Every few minutes the audio would 
become distorted.  I tried implementing a lot of the ideas I have seen on the 
reflector but they didn't help (at least the stuff I could find).  I then 
disabled Windows Aero and that did the trick for me.  My audio hardly every 
becomes distorted now.

Hope this might help.


On Nov 8, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Charlie Morrison wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> After some 10 minutes of operating, my flex 3k  RX audio becomes badly
> distorted (a crackling sound on the audio). This happens at all sample rates
> and on all bands. When I monitor the temp using ctrl shift I the temperature
> is showing as 269 degrees C !!! - voltage is ok. This happens whether I am
> on speaker or phones, and the stronger the signal, the greater the
> distortion level. If I stop PSDR and Immediately restart it , the problem
> goes away for another 5 mins or so, then re-occurs - anyone got any ideas??
> 73 de Charlie GI4FUE
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