Y'know, Duane, rather than going to all that trouble, you could just
get some quiet fans.  Noctua (a German company, I don't think they
have much presence in the amateur radio market) makes low speed (~1200
rpm) fans in 80mm, 120mm, and 140mm sizes.  They are about $25 each
and they make less noise than any fan I have heard.  I use two of them
on my CPU heat exchanger and three more in the case.  Those five fans
all running at once make less noise than the single 80mm fan that came
on the stock AMD CPU cooler. They run on 12VDC but have no PWM
capability so the only way to slow them down (should one want to)
would be to reduce the voltage.

Here's another point, possibly one that you don't want to hear.  The
human brain has an incredibly ability to filter out noise, especially
constant noise that varies little in loudness, frequency, or aural
characteristics.  Unfortunately, to get that mechanism to work, you
have to deliberately stop paying conscious attention to the sounds
that are bothersome to you.  So long as an individual sits down and
consciously listens to see how much noise the fan is making, and then
reminds onesself how disturbing it is, the brain will conclude that
the individual doesn't WANT that sound filtered and will not do so.

In other words, so long as you listen for background noise, you'll
hear some.  One can end up chasing one's tail in this regard.

Good luck,

Bill (who spent lots of time as a research assistant working on
sensation and perception studies in an anechoic chamber)

On 12/7/11, Ross Stenberg <ross.stenb...@charter.net> wrote:
> WHAT!!
>>>>I too am annoyed by ambient noise, especially fans.. ALL fans make noise,
>>>>some just less than others.. Once you have your other ambient noise
>>>>sources quieted down enough in the shack then the 5K's fan is very
>>>>noticeable. Here's my tale...
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