> http://ark.intel.com/products/42491/Intel-Desktop-Board-D945GCLF2
> in a homebrew computer Mini-ITX box.
> Carter and I have been having a blast.  He has made several 
> digital, voice,
> and both of us have made CW QSO's.  It works great BUT it did 
> not before I
> ran GBoost and turned off all of the crap.
> Bob

Those are great little boards, and often quite cheap when you find them on
eBay.  I've built up about half a dozen boxes using those boards for under
$100 total including memory, an IDE-to-CF adapter and CF card (as a cheap
solid-state HD replacement), case, and 12V DC power supply.  They're in use
as mountaintop Linux/Asterisk machines serving as repeater controllers and
remote base controllers.

Would I build my Flex machine around one of those boards?  No, though I
can't say I've tried either.  Apparently from what you're reporting, if you
run the OS lean enough, they've got enough horsepower to do the job.

Tell Carter and Kay that Jeff WN3A said hi!

                                        --- Jeff WN3A

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