Thanks to everyone who helped.  I got time to go over to N3AO last night
and we got his headset working.

My Heil Proset set is Tango Uniform.  I think there is a break in the cord
as neither element works.  This induced aggro which led to an improper
setting in the aggro environment which prevented the perfectly good headset
from showing it was working.

The 5000 is working perfectly in all modes on my Intel ATOM computer.
Since N3AO, N3KN, N1SMM, and I will be doing contesting and some serious
algorithm testing,  I am moving the new AMD II-X4 over there to use.

When my refurbished AMD II-X4 arrived from Tigerdirect it was DOA.

When I found out they had depleted their stock, I looked at Walmart and
found this

It was the same price,  brand new,  with better graphics ........

I will report after the contest this weekend.


On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 6:17 AM, Carter Craigie <>wrote:

> My Heil headset has two plugs on the end of its cable:
> One is a black 1/4" stereo phono plug for the headphones, and I see where
> to
> plug that into the PHONES jack on the front of the radio, so no problem
> there.
> The second is a gray 1/8" mono plug for the mike, and I DON'T see where to
> plug that in.
> There is no jack of that size on the front of the '5000, and I need help
> knowing where and how to plug it into the back of the '5000, as there is no
> appropriately sized jack on the back (bumpy!) side.
> Also, I don't see where or how to plug in my 1/4" mono foot switch.
> Any help please for these two problems?
> 73,
> Carter N3AO
> --
Flex Radio, Inc. Consultant
Professor ECE Virginia Tech
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