You're right about sound that does not fatigue.  I get picked on for being
an audio snob and/or a Bose basher and the latter may actually be true.  I
am dismayed when I find that people have laid out thousands for Bose
systems with tiny cube speakers and a little sub hiding in the corner.  I
have to stifle myself not to reveal to them that I could have taken them to
Rat Shack, spent one-third the money, and sent them home with better sound.

I talked to a salesman in the local Bose showroom a while back who told me
that the biggest selling point of the current crop of Bose Wave systems is
that they occupy so little space.  Sound, not so much.  Apparent they are
taught to pitch the tiny size to the wives.

Amar Bose was a brilliant acoustic engineer in his time.  If you think back
thirty-five years or so, his Bose 901 design with its nine 4.5" drivers,
one facing forward, eight facing back, was considered to be a good mid-ish
end speaker.  If you had a big room, you put Klipschorns in the corners and
if you had a small room, you hung 901s from the ceiling.  Both systems are
still sold, BTW, though God knows who buys them.

Anyway, Bose has succeeded in convincing a great many people that 200Hz is
"deep, rich bass" but it is their shrill, peaky treble that makes them so
fatiguing to the ear.

Enough from me.  I may have offended some Bose-ohs...Oh Lord, did it again.
 I'll just shut up.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Michael Tondee <>wrote:

> Bill,
>  I'm right there with you. To each their own I guess but why people pour
> money and time into trying to make their TX SSB signal sound like high
> fidelity audio is a mystery to me. Same with RX audio, while I do want
> better quality than what you would get with the tiny speaker included in
> most Japanese rigs these days,  I don't necessarily need multi speaker
> surround sound. The main thing that I'm focused on is that my RX be
> comfortable to listen too for long periods of time.
> Too often in the past the lower priced rigs I've owned cause listener
> fatigue after short periods. Thankfully with Flex and PowerSDR, even my
> 1500 with just a pair of small computer speakers let's me listen for hours
> on end without fatigue.
> That's all I need.
> 73,
> Michael, W4HIJ
> On 1/20/2012 7:15 PM, William H. Fite wrote:
>> I'm not one to get all wadded up about communications sound
>> because...well...face it, it is communications audio.  To me, fretting
>> endlessly about the quality of one's sound, buying add-on equalizers,
>> tweaking and tweaking, is an exercise in wasted motion.  To me.
>> I put my effort and my money into the sound system in my listening room.
>>  I'd much rather invest in fine speakers and superb audio electronics to
>> listen to Alan Gilbert's new recording of the Mahler 9th than to pour
>> money
>> into a ham system so that I can listen to someone wax rhapsodical about
>> their prostatectomy, or declaim against Obama's socialism (*pace, *Lee),
>> or
>> drone, "CQ contest...CQ contest...CQ contest..."  Misplaced priorities, so
>> far as I can see.
>> I had a pair of the Bose Companion 2s until I could no longer stand the
>> boomy midbass and peaky treble that Bose has taught so many people to
>> think
>> of as good sound.  I dug around and came up with a little 40wpc stereo amp
>> and an ancient pair of KEF 103s.  The difference was beyond remarkable.
>>  Even for communications audio.
>> Just my opinion and perhaps worth just what you paid for it.
>> Bill
>> On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Lee Mushel<**>
>>  wrote:
>>  Indeed, Gary, this is one of the most popular questions on Flex
>>> reflectors. I would like to give you a "general" answer based, as always,
>>> on my own personal experiences.   In the early '50s one of the
>>> electronics
>>> magazines published an article on a speaker system the author called "the
>>> sweet sixteen."   It used sixteen four inch general replacement speakers
>>> of
>>> the type found at that time in table model radios.  As a 14 year old
>>> newly
>>> interested in "high fidelity" I built one and while at the time I thought
>>> it was wonderful of course the theory behind it is questionable and the
>>> results quite horrible.
>>> But to answer your question, I don't know why more people don't simply go
>>> into their store of retired music reproduction systems and attach to
>>> their
>>> radios.   I did that with my Hammarlund HQ-180 long ago and not so long
>>> ago
>>> took a SONY ES "receiver" and today "Video 1" is the Flex 3000 and "Video
>>> 2" is the Flex 5000A.   I even built a "take off" of the sweet 16 and
>>> built
>>> a "sweet 8" using far better drivers!  My point is that nearly any stereo
>>> components that can be assembled to function as a sound system will be
>>> overkill as far as "speakers" suitable for communications receiver use is
>>> concerned.
>>> Anything more really just an interesting facet of our ham radio hobby.
>>> Anything that interests and satisfies you is certainly OK.
>>> 73
>>> Lee  K9WRU
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gary Franklin"<*
>>> *>
>>> To: "Flex Radio"<flexradio@flex-radio.**biz <>>
>>> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 11:05 AM
>>> Subject: [Flexradio] Flex 5000 Speakers
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