Finally! I was beginning to wonder when someone would remember the very clear audio importance trail left by John Basilotto (SK)! I once asked John why he was so concerned with audio and he explained that this was a special interest for him going back to prehistoric times and that explained why he was so concerned with audio quality. Some early devotees will recall that the developing PowerSDR didn't always have the elaborate audio processing that it finally appeared with and John was the first to suggest that an audio processor might be something that people would want for their Flex5000s. And he also brought True Audio "TrueRTA" to our attention at the same time. I will admit that I have never used either the processor or the Audio software until now when I am going to start to see if I can develop the capability for emergency communications where I can walk up to the receptionist of the "served agency", hand her a pair of cables, one with 120VAC and the other with a telephone connector and tell her to plug her fax system in. I will feel successful if I can eliminate all need for commercial power, the internet, and all telephone systems. Full duplex is just another example of Gerald's incredible insight!

Lee   K9WRU
----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig Gagner" <>
To: "'mike'" <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 5:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Audio Rack and the 5000

I will say that before we finally got it all straight, I couldn't hear it.
Luckily I have a friend who does a lot of audio work and he was the only one
that could hear it out of my usual group. I sent him some audio recordings
that I recorded into a dummy load and he ran his analysis software which
showed flat tops on some of the peaks and some spikes.

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