It is good to see many hams working on this project. As I agree that filtering 
can eliminate most or all of the images below 1.8 mhz. My only concern is the 
sensitivity at those frequencies. 

I am wondering if a up converter would be the best solution.

"Ham Radio Open Conversation"
Yahoo group owner/moderator

----- Reply message -----
From: "Chuck O&apos;Neal" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Flexradio] 472-479 KHz receiving and transmitting ERP and     
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2012 12:12 pm

Here is what I've done with excellent results for the 600+ meter band. 

I have two Clifton Labs filters, one is the BCB reject filter mentioned below 
and a second custom low pass filter I had made by Clifton La bs with a 3 dB 
corner at 85 0 KHz.  This second filter allows my Flex 5000A to cover the low 
end of the BCB with no images, down to 500 KHz from about 850 KHZ where the 
images appear to start up pretty badly.   

As noted by Jordan, the BCB band reject filter still allows stuff from above 
the BCB to to get in and produce lots of false signals below 500 KHz.  I can 
hear 160M amateur signals there with the BCB reject filter in.  When I run both 
the 830KHz low pass filter and the BCB reject filter in series, ALL the false 
signals and  images go away.  Nothing left but actual signals from 500 KHz down 
to about 250 KHz where images from below 500 KHz begin to start up.  I think 
another low pass filter at around 275 KHz would allow reception down lower yet. 

With all these filters, I think a down converter is probably best in the end.  

Chuck  K1KW 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jordan" <> 
To: "Lloyd Berg N9LB" <>, 
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:42:31 PM 
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] 472-479 KHz receiving and transmitting ERP 
and        antennamodels 

I have a Jack Smith customized and swept NDB/Navtex BCB reject filter with 
the following attenuation specs within the BCB: 
770khz -83.127dB 
910khz -84.85dB 
960khz -83.467dB 

I have the sweeps for the curious.... 

When inline, the display above 550khz shows next to nothing, but once you 
tune below 500khz there are still 'false' signals everywhere, although not 
as strong as without the filter. Like this, I can hear WWVB quite well, but 
cannot rely on the signals that appear on the display to be real. 

It takes a further tunable preselector to clear most but not all of the rest 
of the 'ghosts', and that only works over a 20-30khz bandwidth at a time. 

Personally, a good upconverter to one of the ham bands that have BPfiltering 
@ 50ohms impedance at the input would be a better solution. 

YMMV...73...Jordan VE6ZT 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lloyd Berg N9LB" <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:19 PM 
Subject: [Flexradio] 472-479 KHz receiving and transmitting ERP and 

> I have a 500 KHz low pass filter on the way from Clifton Labs.  I will 
> test 600-630 meter receive capability with the FLEX-5000 and FLEX-1500. 
> I'll give the group a report once I've had a chance to install it and run 
> some tests. 
> Also, 
> Ralph, W5JGV - WD2XSH/7, has "run the numbers" on how much power you will 
> need in order to generate 1 watt effective radiated power.  ( A 50' 
> vertical, no top loading, will need 102 watts of transmitter output to 
> generate 1W effective radiated power ). 
> Check out the numbers here: 
> 73 
> Lloyd - N9LB 
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