Y'all young whippersnappers wanna get yore idendidies stole, y'all go right
ahead.  Me?  Ah'm relyin' on good ole fashion smoke signals.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM <kb6...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> IMHO, I believe that Flex is using Facebook for many reasons. One of them
> is to spread the word of Flex to a different demographic. The future of
> Flex Radio is for younger hams who grew up with computers to embrace the
> technology and take Flex into the future.
> I can understand that the average age of ham radio operators is over 50
> and therefore do not embrace the whole social media craze. I personally do
> not have a Facebook account only out of the  identity theft potential.
> 73,
> Robert
> "Ham Radio Open Conversation"
> Yahoo group owner/moderator
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: ktfrog...@aol.com
> To: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
> Subject: [Flexradio] New Release
> Date: Sun, Feb 26, 2012 9:32 am
> We should all use snail mail and help the Post Office.  It worked fine  for
> my grandparents.
> 73,
> Kermit, AB1J
> In a message dated 2/25/2012 7:32:00 P.M. GMT Standard Time,
> docdai...@gmail.com writes:
> Telephones... Humbug and hooey.  If I want to talk t somebody  I will go
> down to the watering hole.  I wouldn't touch a phone with a  ten-foot pole.
> Downfall of society I tell ya.    ;-)
> Doc
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