_Part 6_ of message #32:

6.  Software updates - Not too fond of this but I can understand it I
guess.  BUT I am concerned that I may have to pay for updates to get
basic advertised functions that are not implemented yet at the time of
initial shipping...such as remote over the internet (not just the
LAN).  IMO any subscription for updates should commence AFTER all the
functionality is implemented and working correctly....THEN  you can
pay for new features and updates.

We agree with this in principal.  This is one reason why those that sign up
for the limited edition will receive two years of software updates included
instead of just one.

I had seen the ADDED ONE YEAR OF SOFTWARE SUPPORT, and declined with my order. $200 is a bit of a new game for what used to be free! -But this is very possibly an unavoidable issue. So be it.

My point: It looks as if one would get two years of software as a part of the pre-order plan's offer. (So it says above, per Steve.) I had missed this entirely! -And so the OPTIONAL one more year would bring this to three years total???

Maybe I should do this..? (What would the added one year cost me, if purchased at a later time, like beyond what is included?)


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