
I would like to point out that there are other English words and perfectly legitimate attitudes that cover and perhaps offer better descriptions of thing discussed in this thread. "Disaster," for example might be more commonly thought of as a jumbled pile found on the ground that had passed much previous history while elevated and thus might be discounted by many experienced radio amateurs as simply "adequately large." The "ALC:" would be better considered as "insurance." I can distinctly remember the fear I experienced a few years back when the Heathkit manual warned to "tune quickly to avoid damage to the tubes." Today's inconsiderate nature of solid state won't even allow "tune quickly" to be replaced by "instantly tune."

We sometimes call this "risk taking." This is something that I highly approve of even though I have carelessly connected the two meter connector on the back of my 5000A directly to the antenna connector of the D-700 after which I pressed the Kenwood PTT....I know that life is uncertain and often unfair.

A few years ago one of my neighbor took me to task over the 950 feet of extension cord I used to illuminate holiday lights. "Lee, you have voltage drop." I asked him if the "lights were on." He admitted they were and I explained to him that either he would have to accept the fact that they were operating with somewhat less than 100 volts or there would be no lights at all. He was puzzled.

As is often said, "Lighten up!"


Lee   K9WRU

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Fallen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 5:25 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] Flex 1500/Amplifier

"Many amps rely on that ALC connection to allow them to cut back on
drive in the event of a malfunction such as an intermittent flaky
antenna feedline. A momentarily open/shorted antenna could be very
bad news for some amps under normal drive.

Some argue that you don't really need ALC. I suspect those guys never
had an antenna disaster."

Not to be rude, but huh?

Roger...I've been QRO since back in the 80s and have never used an
ALC circuit...just watch your levels and you'll be OK without ALC.

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