I fear I've just made a big mistake. I've been using a SDR1000 for several 
years as an IF for VHF transverter use. I decided to upgrade to a Flex-1500 
which is of course apparently better designed for the purpose.

But only now that I've spent the money have I realised the major problem. My 
70MHz transverter uses a 50MHz LO (10Mhz source x 5) and an IF of 20-21MHz. I 
set up the Flex-1500 with ease, only to find that when I try to transmit I get 
an out-of-band message, because of course 20MHz is not an amateur band. 

I've seen some previous posting suggesting that an answer might be forthcoming, 
but haven't seen it.

Have I wasted my money?

Help please.

David, G4YTL

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