Likewise.  Fresh install on to 256GB SSD.    Com0Com, VAC, MiniDeluxe, DDUTIL, 
CWSkimmer.     DPC
max this morning 370us.   i7 Machine. ASUS Board.

When testing the pre-release and beta I found that the drivers that may be 
culprits can include
anything wireless - network, mouse, keyboard etc.     Did not have any issues 
with Video or Storage
drivers.   My machine now has GB Ethernet instead if Wifi and a USB mouse and 
KB.     But I also
have a Logitech T650 touchpad that does cause spikes of 1000+ if used 

What I do notice on my Samsung TH700 Touch Laptop is that the DPC spikes go to 
3000+ when using the
touch screen.    I use this laptop with the 1500.

The touch interface seems to be the biggest issue for me.

Richard A Clafton | the brITish guy | W5\G7EIX
RIROC - Hosting -  Development - Technology |
"Jack of all trades, master of none, though often better than the master of 

-----Original Message-----
From: FlexRadio [] On Behalf Of Rich - 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Problem with high DPC count after upgrading to W8 Pro

I have installed Windows 8 on a second internal had drive so that I can 
easily boot either WIn 7 or Win 8. I did a clean install on a 
reformatted hard drive and did not bring any files or applications 
forward from Win 7. I have now installed the full DXLab suite, PSDR 
2.4.4, CW Skimmer, DDUtil and PstRotatorAZ on Win 8 and nothing else so 
far. DPCs are about the same as they were on Win 7 with a maximum DPC of 
419 Us in the past hour. PSDR and my Flex-3000 are performing well. I am 
wondering if the folks who are having problems followed the upgrade path 
and brought everything forward from Win 7. That may be the difference.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

Les Keppie wrote:
> Hi All
> Have just upgraded from Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 8 Pro
> Computer is Asus m/b M4A78-VM - processor is 3.1g  AMD Phenom(tm) II 
> X2 550 Processor Socket AM3 (938)
> with 4g ram - radio is Flex 3000
> This system has been running well on W7 ultimate with dpc count of 
> less than 100us normally around the 75us
> Now with the upgrade to W8 Pro dpc is around 1000us
> LatencyMon reports Current measured kernel timer latency around 12 to 
> 16us with Highest measured kernel timer latency as 1000 to 1009us
> Transmitting using EasyPal gives regular breaks in tx audio with 
> receiving station reporting no lock on signal
> Anyone got any ideas on how to reduce the dpc spikes or will it be a 
> trip down the W7 reinstallation path???
> So far have not been able to work out if it is possible to uninstall 
> W8 back to W7
> I have an image of the system from september 9 but W8 doesnt want to 
> know about it
> Regards
> Les VK2DSG
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