First let me say that I'm glad to be back on the Flex reflector. I got off some 
time ago when I was to away for a few weeks and wanted to reduce my e-mails. 
Then, I didn't get around to re-subscibing. Now, I have.

A month or so ago, I had some kind of computer glitch which, among other 
things, reset all of the Flex selections to the factory defaults. I was useing 
Power Software 2.3.5 at the time. When I got the radio going again, I tried to 
bring up WSJT and DigiPan. Neither worked. With WSJT I get an Error message 
I am running WSJT 9.02 and VAC 4.09 and using aFlex 5000.

Here is what the VAC screen says:

Audio Device     Input Channels      Output Channels     Device Name
0                                 2                                0            
        Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input         
1                                 2                                0            
        SigmaTel Audio
2                                 2                                0            
        Virtial Cable 1
3                                 2                                0            
        Virtual Audio Cable 2
4                                 0                                2            
        Microsoft Sound Mapper - Output
5                                 0                                2            
        SigmaTel Audio
6                                 0                                2            
        Virtual Cable  1
7                                 0                                2            
        Virtual Cable   2

User requested devices:       Input = 4   Output = 9
Default devices:                     Input = 0   Output  = 4
Will open devices:                  Input = 4  Output =  4

Error opening imput audio stream. 
Error test: invalid number of audio channels. 
Number -9998 
Error  1 in JT audio, you will only be able to work offline. 

Power SDR Set-up Screem

Buffer Size  2048
Sample Rate  96000

Bringing up the VAC tab:

Enable VAC 1 Checked
Driver  MME
Input     Virtual Cable 1
Output   Virtual cable 2
Auto Enable Checked 

Buffer Size  1024              (Should these be the same as on the first basic 
Set-up screen?
Sample rate 48000
Stereo Checked
Allow PTT ot over-ride... Checked
Gain Transmit  -8
         Receive  -3
Combine AVC Input Channels  NOT Checked
Direct I//Q  Output to VAC Checked  Calibrate I/Q Checked
Buffer latency  120 ms

On the VAC Control Panel, I have the following:

Cables  2
Cable Parameters 1025   48000

Format Range  BPS 8.. 1   (From the Knowledge Center I see BPS 8..32 Mine will 
select from 0 to 9. There is no way to get to 32. And it won't accept 32 being 
typed in.)
NC  1.. 2
Max Inst  20
MS per Int  7
Stream fmt  Cable Range
Volume Control  NOT Checked
Connected Sound Lines  Line is Checke No others
Clock Correction %  100.000

Cable  Max Instances   MS per INT   SR Range  BPS Range  NC Range  Stream fmt 
Linit  Vol.  SR     BPS  NC
1          20                       7                    11025 48000   8..16    
       1..2          Cable range       Dis. 48000  16    2  
2          20                       7                    11025 48000   8..16    
       1..2          Cable range       Dis. 48000  16    2

 Rc Stms    PbStms
     1               0
     0              1

Can anyone make any sence of this? The only significan discrepencie that I note 

1.  On the basic Set-up Screen the Buffer size in 2048 and the Sample Rate is 
96000 whereas after selecting  the VAC Tab the Buffer size is1024 and the 
Sample Rate is 48000. Shouldn't they be the same?

2. On the VAC Control Panel, the box between BPS and NC reads 1 and can be set 
between 0 and 9, whereas the one from the Knowledge Center shows it as 32.

I hope someone can help.


Bill Tynan, W3XO
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