I agree 100%. Why anyone would want the displays on "knob radios" , whether SDR or not, after experiencing using the GUI of an SDR on a full sized monitor is a mystery to me.
Michael, W4HIJ
On 5/18/2013 5:11 PM, Russ Dearmore wrote:
In 20 years the new generation of hams will see the tiny SDR displays on todays 
radios and wonder why we settled for them.  The older I get the more I 
appreciate viewing the large computer display and doubt that I'll go back to 
the horse and  buggy.  Without a doubt the big 3 are working feverishly to 
design there own answer to Flex Radio just as they did when SSB first hit the 
ham scene.  Besides, buying a much better computer has opened new doors for me 
and I'm sure most others......

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